Petrochemical Steel Plate Supplier


PVQ Steel Plate 

Universal Steel, a petrochemical steel plate supplier, serves the industry with a range of grades in steel plate, and a multitude of processing capabilities. Universal Steel provides major components, large parts, and small pieces for new refinery builds and repairs, vessel assemblies, skid packages, and many other avenues, like PVQ steel plate, in the Petrochemical Industry.

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Petrochemical Industry Steel Plate

As a petrochemical steel plate supplier, Universal Steel serves the Petrochemical Industry with our specialized stock in PVQ steel, specifically our chrome-moly SA387 grades and our comprehensive SA516 stock. We are well-versed and experienced with the large operating companies AML’s and material specifications, including Exxon, Shell, BP, Conoco Phillips, and others.

Our skilled staff understands the strict material specifications and timeliness required in the Petrochemical Industry. Universal is fully equipped to handle your rush jobs, and projects requiring material ‘yesterday’. We have a large skilled production staff and fully accessible sales staff, combining to form the expert team you need for your next critical job. 

Contact us today to learn more about PVQ steel plate and other types of steel plate for the petrochemical industry.


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